i'm ahmed fouad

Full Stack Web Developer | Backend Developer

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Providing interactive frontend development services to build custom, robust and secure applications for businesses in all verticals.I use latest tools and platforms like React for designing and developing powerful user-friendly interfaces.

  •     ReactJs
  •     JavaScript
  •     Html/CSS/SASS


My back-end development services are not just about making a server, application, and database communicate with each other.It's about building a product that works seamlessly, meet market needs and creating an enjoyable user experience that earns your loyalty.

  •     Nodejs
  •     PHP
  •     PostgressSQL/MySQL


Being a full stack web developer ,I also work with a wide range of DevOps technologies so i can develop an excellent web product all the way through.It is not only the appearance of your product that matters, but also how smoothly, flexibly and reliably the part hidden from users performs.

  •     DEVOPS
  •     Unit Tesing
  •     Wordpress
  •     Gatsby

featured Projects



A complete web app where users are able to sell and buy products. It keeps a history of previous orders and items added to shopping cart can be paid using Stripe.

ReactJSApollo Jest & Enzyme Styled components NextJS cloudinary NodeJS GraphQL Yoga Prisma Docker

All about the fit

Using all available aspects to create online shopping meeting the market needs from scientific, financial and morality meaning aims the market for continuing and rises the level of trading and relations between clients, merchants, manufacturers, markets and shopping companies and facilitates shipping products.



Using ReactJS, Firebase, MaterialUiIcons, React-router, React-currency-format Link so no need to refresh the page when use hyperlink, react-currency-format To create a clone of Amazon website



Using ReactJS, Firebase, disease.sh, leaflet to create a case tracker of covide19

ReactJSFirebasedisease.sh API leaflet
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